Tutoring Booking Form & Deposit

Please find below details about the tutoring that we offer. If you are interested in using this service, please complete this form as an initial request for tutoring for your child and agreement to our terms and conditions.

The £25 deposit secures your place on our lists; this comprises £5 administrative fee, then £20 will be absorbed into the cost of the first session.

Please find our GDPR policy on the website.

Please allow 5-10 minutes to process and complete this form, it must be completed in its entirety, it cannot be saved and returned to.


The Process:

  1. Either myself, Caro Strover-Green, one of my trained Assistant Psychologists or one of our specific independent tutors that have joined our team will be allocated to delivering the tutoring, guided most of all by ‘fit’.

    (a)  My early career prior to becoming an educational psychologist, spanning 12 years following university (1985-1989), was as a mainstream class teacher, which included a post graduate programme with the Dyslexia Institute, so also becoming a specialist dyslexia teacher. I have taught all ages, though initially was trained for primary age.

    (b)  An Assistant Psychologist is an honours psychology graduate who I have trained and closely supervise both for assessments and for tutoring. They are British Psychology Society affiliated with a role that is formally recognised within the profession. These roles are important as a pre cursor for their doctorate programme. I supervise closely from planning the tutoring sessions, to reviewing how they went and next steps.

    (c)  Independent tutors will be professionally trained and so require less supervision or they are experienced adults who have taken up tutoring under my supervision.

  2. Tutoring can take place either at the child’s home or school (the latter with school’s collaboration and written agreement). Times of sessions and the address of the venue will be recorded with CSGA, as part of the security and safeguarding procedure.
  3. Every tutor will have enhanced DBS.
  4. Following our receipt of this form, the parent/guardian/commissioning adult will then receive a link to a questionnaire, requesting background information on this child/young person/adult, for views on their learning and the hopes from the sessions.  This is expected to be completed and returned in good time before tutoring will start.  This, with other contributions and any professional reports will help plan the sessions.
  5. Multiple factors contribute to learning and it is important to appreciate context.  To this end, early developmental history, general medical health, hearing, vision, home context, self-esteem, confidence and social and emotional skills, and any significant events will all be considered, and it is important that responses are given to all parts of the questionnaire that you receive as the next step.
  6. The initial session or two sessions may include some form of assessment to establish baselines and understanding; and to help record progress and to enable the review of the tutoring.
  7. The structure, pace, duration and foci of each session will vary depending on the needs of the student.
  8.  In order for the sessions to take place, and if the student is under 18, parental/guardian consent must be provided.  By completing this form, it is understood that you, as parent/guardian/commissioning adult, are giving this consent.  It is up to this consenting parent/guardian/commissioning adult to make any others with parental responsibility aware that the sessions are taking place.
  9. It is helpful to link sessions’ objectives with current ongoing schoolwork objectives so communication with school is valuable and important. It is also best practice to gain school/college/workplace’s views about this child/young person/adult’s progress, attainments, support and well-being prior to the start of sessions.  To this end, agreement to these terms assumes that, unless otherwise discussed, you are giving permission for us to liaise with this child/young person/adult’s school/college/workplace to request their perspective and any further information, e.g. completing a questionnaire, Individualised Learning Plans and reports from other professionals that they might have on file.
  10. At each half term, (after approx 8 sessions), there can be a feedback meeting with parents, and possibly school/college, as to how the sessions are progressing, charged at the same rate as the tutoring session



  • Fees: £50 per hour plus travel from Marlborough (45p per mile and £25 hour of travel time)
  • The £25 deposit secures your place on our lists; this comprises £5 administrative fee, then £20 will be absorbed into the cost of the first session.
  • The duration of each session will depend on the child and will vary from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Invoices are distributed at the start of each month for the planned sessions for that month. Payment is expected within 7 days of the invoice being sent.
  • Payment by internet transfer is preferred, and bank details are given on the invoice.
  • The fee covers: the time it takes to plan, deliver and review the session.
  • Additional processing of the questionnaires, and previous assessment reports to prepare the sessions at the start, such as previous optometrist, speech and language, educational psychology, occupational therapy or private tutor reports, are important to process and feed into the planning. This will incur a charge from £25 to £75 dependent on the number of additional reports. Please email us copies of any professional reports when you return this form.
  • The fee does not cover international telephone calls or mileage costs/travel time.
  • Travel is charged at 45p per mile and £25 per hour for the time spent travelling.
  • If an session is cancelled with less than 48 hours notice a cancellation fee of 50% is due, and with less than 24 hours 100% is due. If the child is ill and it is possible to reschedule a time which also suits the tutor, there will. be no charge.


Data processing and storage – in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679

Please read the following information carefully:

  • Digital Notes and information will be stored by the tutor, with questionnaires and other professional reports being stored on Cliniko which is secure and meets GDPR standards.
  • During the period of delivering the tutoring, information will also be stored on the working laptops/computers of the tutors which are all password protected.
  • Practitioners are ICO registered.
  • Most questionnaires are sent and then stored using Cliniko software which is secure encrypted software.
  • Work completed by the child during sessions will be stored in order to review progress, but destroyed once sessions cease.
Accept Terms & Conditions
You need to accept the above Terms & Conditions to submit this form
Information that we need in order to proceed:
Please give times and days of the week when sessions may take place
Enter address if sessions are to take place at home. Please make sure that there is a quiet area with a working table and chairs.
Please describe the main concerns that are triggering this request for tutoring
Please list what would be your desired outcomes from the tutoring sessions
Child/Young Person/Adult's Details
Please Enter : Fore & Last Names of Child/Young Person/Adult
Please Enter : Date of Birth of Child/Young Person/Adult
Please Enter : Child/Young Person/Adult's School/College/Workplace
If Relevant : SENCo or Line Manager's Name
If Relevant:
Parent/Guardian/Commissioning Adult's Details
If Relevant : Parent/Guardian/Commissioning Adult's Full Name
If Relevant : Parents/Guardian/Commissioning Adult's Email Address
If Relevant : Parents/Guardian/Commissioning Adult's Telephone Number
If Relevant : Parents/Guardian/Commissioning Adult's Relationship to Child/Young Person/Adult
Please check the box against the tutoring option you prefer:
PLEASE LIST ADDITIONAL REPORTS BELOW & SEND BY EMAIL TO : (Please also include the most recent EHCP if relevant)
Number of reports : Please list the reports here using date, type e.g. Speech and language, and name of professional. Cost : £25 per report (dependent on the length).
The £25 deposit secures your place on our lists; this comprises £5 administrative fee, then £20 will be absorbed into the cost of the first session.
Product total
Options total
Grand total

Deposit Cost (including £5 administrative fee) :


All fields must be completed before payment can be made.