And very importantly, I am a mum to twin girls and a younger daughter.
I am providing learning assessments, advice and training to families and schools. I am also an Expert Witness, supporting parties within the EHCP and Tribunal processes, to ensure children and young people receive the provision that best fits their needs and complete medico legal assessment reports as an associate of MPA Psychologists.
In 2011, I co-ordinated the setting up of ‘South West Allied Professionals’ (SWAP), made up of independent professionals working in Wiltshire and Gloucestershire for children and young adults. Within the group we had Occupational Therapists, a Speech and Language Therapists, a Clinical Psychologist, Educational Psychologists, and dyslexia and specialist learning tutors. This group enables us to join up our expertise to the benefit of the individual when appropriate. As a formal group, it no longer exists but we remain in contact to support each other and to join up our expertise when appropriate.
From 2016 to 2019, I worked on setting up Thriving Through Venture – a charity to help develop confidence and resilience in young adults through purposeful community projects within their home area and with a partner community in The Gambia. We delivered our first two programmes successfully in 2018 and 2019 with 11 young people each year from the Wiltshire and Swindon areas. The charity has survived COVID and continues to adapt and work to its mission. See
More recently, I am taking on Assistant Psychologists who are graduates keen to pursue a career in psychology. This has been very rewarding, and at the same time gives them the experience and training they need to consider and go on to next steps.