Caro Strover


The S.W.A.P. Group (south West Allied Professionals) was founded in 2011.

We are:

  • A group of experienced and committed professionals skilled at supporting learning, development and well being, who work with children and young adults in all settings
  • Professionals from different disciplines who can work together to find the right package of support for the child and young person
  • Professionals from the following disciplines:
    • Educational Psychologists
    • Occupational Therapists
    • Speech and Language Therapist
    • Clinical Psychologist
    • Specialist learning Tutors
  • A team that can offer training
  • A group that works on developing a network, in order to support our work and in order to refer on when appropriate according to the need of the individual and/or family, when the need is not best met within the professional expertise of our group

We facilitate:

  • Meeting Educational Needs
  • Supporting Development
  • Promoting Emotional Well Being

If you contact any one of us, we can help direct you to the most appropriate professional in our group.

Please link to our web site for further details and our contact information